Definition of god, meaning of god
god (plural: gods)
- A deity; a typically immortal being with superior powers.
- A deity in charge of a specific matter.
- Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea.
- (Bible): The creator of and ruler over the universe, all creatures and men.
- (Christianity): The creator and supreme ruler of the universe, representing and referring to three aspects of one individual; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- (Hinduism and Buddhism): A being temporarily reborn (reincarnated) into one of the realms of gods as a result of positive karma.
- A person in high position of authority or admiration; an expert or celebrity.
- (Pantheism): The entire known and unknown universe.
- (Objectivism): The ultimate objective observer.
3 letters in word "god": D G O.
Anagrams of god:
Words found within god:
do go od
Word lists related to god:
Words within god, by length
Words starting with god
Words containing god
Words ending with god
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Words starting with god by next letter
Words that start with the letter g
Words that end in the letter d