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Definition of Memory, meaning of Memory


memory (countable and uncountable; plural memories)

  1. (uncountable) The ability of an organism to record information about things or events in the brain with the facility of recalling them later at will.
    Memory is a facility common to all animals.
  2. A record of a thing or an event stored in the brain of an organism.
    I have no memory of that event.
  3. (computing) The part of a computer that stores executable code or data (RAM) or unalterable executable code or default data (ROM).
    This data passes from the CPU to the memory.
  4. (computing; uncountable) This part of a computer considered as a resource.
    How much memory does this PC have?


6 letters in word "Memory": M E M O R Y.

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Words found within Memory:

em er me mo moe mor more moy my oe om omer or ore oy oye oyer re rem roe rom rye ye yer yo yom yore

Word lists related to Memory:

Words within Memory, by length
Words starting with Memory
Words containing Memory
Words ending with Memory
Words formed from Memory by changing one letter
Words starting with Memory by next letter
Words that start with the letter M
Words that end in the letter y
Words starting with Me
Words ending in ry
Words beginning with Mem
Words that end with ory
6 letter words starting with M

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