Definition of time, meaning of time
time (countable and uncountable; plural times)
- (uncountable) The inevitable passing of events from future to present then past.
- Time stops for nobody.
- the ebb and flow of time
- (uncountable) A quantity of availability in time.
- More time is needed to complete the project.
- You had plenty of time, but you waited until the last minute.
- Are you finished yet? Time’s up!
- Our instructor didn"t give us enough time to complete the test.
- The two of us can never find time to see each other any more.
- (countable) A measurement of a quantity of time; a numerical indication of a length of time.
- Record the individual times for the processes in each batch.
- Only your best time is compared with the other competitors.
- (uncountable, slang) The serving of a prison sentence.
- The judge leniently granted a sentence with no hard time.
- (uncountable) The time of day; the moment in time, as indicated by a clock or similar device.
- Excuse me, have you got the time?
- What time is it, do you guess? Ten o’clock?
- A computer keeps time using a clock battery.
- (uncountable) The measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time.
- Let"s synchronize our watches so we"re not on different time.
- Coordinated Universal Time avoids the complications of Daylight Saving Time.
- (countable) A numerical indication of a particular moment in time.
- At what times do the trains arrive?
- These times were erroneously converted between zones.
- (countable) An instance or occurrence.
- When was the last time we went out? I don’t remember.
- See you another time.
- That’s three times he’s made the same mistake.
- Okay, but this is the last time. No more after that!
- (uncountable) A particular occasion.
- It’s time for bed. It’s time to sleep.
- Ready for our performance? It’s time! Here we go!
- (to measure time): clock
- (to choose the time for): set for
4 letters in word "time": E I M T.
Anagrams of time:
Words found within time:
em et it me met mi te ti tie
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