Definition of nut, meaning of nut
nut (plural nuts)
- A hard-shelled seed.
- A fastener: a piece of metal, usually square or hexagonal in shape, with a hole through it having machined internal threads, intended to be screwed onto a bolt or other threaded shaft.
- (informal) An insane person.
- (slang) The head.
- (slang; rarely used in the singular) A testicle.
- (entertainment industry slang) The amount of money necessary to pay the rental fee of a performance venue and other costs. Usually "make the nut" or "cover the nut". We barely sold enough tickets to cover the nut.
3 letters in word "nut": N T U.
Anagrams of nut:
Words found within nut:
nu un ut
Word lists related to nut:
Words within nut, by length
Words starting with nut
Words containing nut
Words ending with nut
Words formed from nut by changing one letter
Words starting with nut by next letter
Words that start with the letter n
Words that end in the letter t