Definition of inning, meaning of inning
inning (plural: innings)
- (Baseball) A period of play in which members of a visiting baseball team attempt to hit a baseball pitched by the opposing home team until three players are called out, followed by a similar attempt by members of the home baseball team against the visiting team"s pitching. There are nine or more innings in a regulation baseball game.
- It is a baseball tradition to sing "Take Me Out To the Ball Game" during the seventh inning stretch.
- (Softball) A similar period of play.
- We batted around in our half of the inning.
- A chance or opportunity to perform some deed or act.
- We are in just the second inning of our quest to enter this new market.
6 letters in word "inning": G I I N N N.
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gi gin ginn in inn
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Words that start with the letter i
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Words starting with in
Words ending in ng
Words beginning with inn
Words that end with ing
6 letter words starting with i