Definition of fire, meaning of fire
fire (countable and uncountable; plural fires)
- (uncountable) A (usually self-sustaining) chemical reaction involving the bonding of oxygen with carbon or other fuel, with the production of heat and the presence of flame or smouldering.
- (countable) Something that has produced or is capable of producing this chemical reaction (such as a campfire or fireplace).
- (uncountable, alchemy) One of the four basic elements.
- (countable) The, often accidental, occurrence of fire in a certain place leading to its full or partial destruction.
- There was a fire at the school last night and the whole place burned down.
- During hot and dry summers many fires in forests are caused by regardlessly discarded cigarette butts.
- (countable) (UK) A heater or stove used in place of a real fire (such as an electric fire).
- (set on fire): See set on fire.
- (shoot): let off, shoot.
- (terminate the employment of): sack, let go.
- (shoot a weapon): open fire, shoot
4 letters in word "fire": E F I R.
Anagrams of fire:
Words found within fire:
ef er erf fe fer fie fir if ire re ref rei rif
Word lists related to fire:
Words within fire, by length
Words starting with fire
Words containing fire
Words ending with fire
Words formed from fire by changing one letter
Words starting with fire by next letter
Words that start with the letter f
Words that end in the letter e
Words starting with fi
Words ending in re
Words beginning with fir
Words that end with ire
4 letter words starting with f